Eliminating Fear in Children

Posted by senoya on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 , under | comments (0)

Fear experienced by children are common. However, you'll want to help overcome these fears did not continue to be a phobia.

Feeling anxious in certain situations that are not comfortable, certainly not fun. However, fear is actually a natural condition that helps individuals protect themselves from a danger, while giving a new experience. In fact, in children, these feelings are not only normal, but also desperately needed.

Feeling and coping with anxiety can help children prepare for the experience confusing and challenging situations in life. Have fears and worries about certain things can actually help to maintain the behavior. For example, a child with a fear of fire would be made to avoid playing with matches.

Ironically, the fear of it arises because the child "passed on" parents. For fear of something or a particular condition, without conscious parents would prohibit children with a way to intimidate him. For example, "Be careful there are cats, then you scratched!" Or "Well, if eating out enggak, Mama let panggilin physician injectors you!".

Indeed, such methods are very tokcer for "forcing" children to obey parents' wishes. As a result, children are always afraid if they see even heard any figures or animals already considered him creepy. In fact, figures or animals that had been considered little scary is, in fact completely harmless.

Form expression of fear itself can stuff. Usually through crying, screaming, hiding, or do not want to escape from her parents. Typically, this fear will disappear naturally over time. When children feel secure with himself or his environment, the fear was gone. Of course, parental support is needed.

The problem is, when fear had settled and resolved so that the impact on daily activities of children. In fact, could lead to a pathological fear. In fact, can lead to exaggerated fears phobias alias because have experienced a particular event or trauma.

Trauma can be psychological or physical. For example because of fear of rats; every time she saw the animal, he would cry out of fear. Phobia also started following the general pressures of life. Once the phobia has infected it can spread to the other senses.

If to lead to a phobia, the child's life may be stunted. In fact, if too great a sense of fear, the child can not do anything. Why? Because for some people, phobias elusive. That is why, this is often used as the month-monthly, ridicule, teasing my friends around.

"If you do not do therapy and intensive care, children who suffer from excessive fear this will bring a big risk to adults later," said Lena Reuterskiƶld, a phobia therapist from The Swedish Research Council.

Object of the child's own fears can be divided into two groups, namely the fear of an object or a particular animal, such as fire, cockroaches, rats. Then, fear of certain situations. Fear of open space or a fear of heights for example. Type the last fear is fear of a particular social atmosphere. For example fear of being in the new class.

To overcome the excessive fear of children, parents should be done is to awaken a child's self-concept positive so confident as capital to enter the outside world. Keep the child knew his name with all the positive disandangnya predicate. Give children the opportunity to interact with the outside world. Engage in any social activities that enable their involvement, such as attending a family gathering or shopping at the store.

No less important is to establish communication with the child during the interaction process going on. Parents introduce people, places or things that happened during these activities take place. Ask and understand the feelings experienced by children during the activities take place. Also, give assurance that the environment where he is now a pleasant place filled with people who are fun too.

You should also instill the nature of courage. Start with things small. For example your child get used to the bathroom alone. If your baby is the age of 3 or 4 years old, you should begin to familiarize your child to sleep alone. Turn off the lights while sleeping can also begin to try.

Parents also can do attitude of empathy and support. Can be shown empathy with the parents how to understand and view it from the perspective of children. Help your child understand what he's experienced or felt.

Give opportunities for children to discuss what he felt or what was he experienced it. Give an explanation and wise to make sure that what he feared was not true.

By the time the child was scared, the toy is one thing that can comfort the child. When a child is sick for example, toys they like and also adequate for their condition can be used as their companion, so there is entertainment that they feel. In addition, toys can also divert attention from the child's stress experience.

If you fear your child looks like a cause excessive stress, it might be a sign of the need to seek help from the outside as the counselor, psychiatrist, or psychologist.

The parents should notice the pattern. If this incident can be resolved, do not make it significantly more than that. However, if the pattern looks the same constant, the parents must do an act. If not, fobianya will continue to affect the child. Contact your doctor or mental health professionals who are used to working with children and adolescents.

Playing Stimulate Children Intelligence

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Age 0 to 6 years is a critical time for children to optimize the emotional and intellectual development. In this age range, little to develop about 75% of our brains.

Bernard Devlin researchers from the University of Pittsburgh, United States, argued that the role of genetic optimization of the brain is 48%. The rest is influenced by environmental factors.

Play, recognized experts, as one of the stimulation from the environment that can help maximize a child's brain development. Through play, Little can optimize all abilities. Of course, parents have an important role in choosing appropriate play activities, according to child development stages.

"Children who are physically active has a concentration level which is better and it strongly supports academic achievement in school," said Jack Kern, professor of kinesiology at the University of Arkansas, United States.

Various studies have shown, plays an effective stimulation to support optimal child growth. Two psychologists, Jerome Bruner and Brian Sutton-Smith, who examined the development of human cognitive said, playing to produce relaxed atmosphere, so children easily learn various ways to overcome problems encountered when playing. According to both, at the time of play children often engage in problem-solving process.

Meanwhile D.G. Singer & J. Singer, a senior researcher and professor in the field of developmental psychology from the United States, in their book The House of Make Believe, said that many preschool children spend time playing sosiodrama, generally more pronounced in the competence and intellectual development. These children also scored higher on tests that measure the imagination and creativity.

Various other studies also support that the play makes children learn the strength and limits of her abilities. Little more able to cope with a reality through pretend play. Ability of abstraction also becoming honed child because he knew many concepts, such as large-small, top-down, and full-empty.

Play also makes a child able to identify and classify (start watching, massage, distinguish, make predictions, compare, to draw conclusions), and determine cause-effect relationship. The child's intellectual abilities gained through these fun activities, can be a very useful provision to overcome various problems in later life.

Healthy Tips Without Cigarettes

Posted by senoya on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 , under , | comments (0)

Women who smoke are likely to begin to enter menopause before the age of 45 years and also make them face the risk of osteoporosis and heart attacks, researchers reported on Norway.

"Among many as 2123 women aged 59 to 60 years, those who currently smoked, 59% more likely to experience premature menopause compared with women who did not smoke," said Dr. Thea F. Mikkelsen of the University of Oslo and colleagues.

For the heaviest smokers, the risk of early menopause nearly doubled. However, women who formerly smoked, but stopped at least 10 years before menopause, basically less likely to stop menstruating compared with smokers before the age of 45 years.

There is evidence that smoking later in life makes a woman more likely to experience premature menopause, while smokers who quit before middle age may not be affected, Mikkelsen and his team said in the journal Free, BMC Public Health.

They examine the relationship further and determine whether exposure to secondhand smoke may also affect the time of menopause. The researchers found that nearly 10% of women enter menopause before the age of 45 years.

As many as 25% were current smokers, 28.7% were former smokers and 35.2% reported current passive smokers. Current smokers were 59% more likely to enter early menopausemenopause almost two times more common among women who smoked the most. before the age of 45 years, while

But women who had quit smoking at least a decade before menopause is 87% more likely than their peers who currently smoked and had entered early menopause.

Compared with married women, widows also face an increased risk of early menopause, as well as women who said their health conditions worse. More educated women less likely to enter premature menopause, but they are also less likely to be smokers.

Involvement in social activities also reduce the risk of premature menopause. The researchers found no link between coffee or alcohol consumption or passive smokers with risk of premature menopause.

"The sooner a woman stops smoking," said Mikkelsen and his team, "More protection which he got in connection with the arrival of early menopause".

Healthy Tips During Pregnancy

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o maintain the pregnancy that the baby in the womb is still
healthy. This was the beginning to have a healthy child. And pregnancy
This is to determine the growth and development of small

1. Control regularly to the doctor for a pregnancy check. Months
last pregnancy, the control should be done more often. If
You have a complaint or have any concerns to
pregnancy that you experience, see a doctor, although this has not
when you have control again.

2. Avoid materials or substances that cause chemical poisoning
such as insecticides, paints, materials that contain mercury (water
mercury) or lead.

3. Stop smoking if you smoke or not to be smokers
passive, because you often inhale the cigarette smoke from those around him,
for example from your husband. Cigarette smoke will make your baby is born
with underweight, child mortality in the womb or
easy child becomes sick or slow to learn something
later, can also cause you to miscarry.

4. Drink more, especially water. Fluid entering
useful to help increase blood volume that occur during
pregnancy. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses a day, can be a juice
fruit, milk, or plain water. An easy way to look at the adequacy
fluids in the body is to see the color of urine. If the urine,
clear as water or only slightly yellow, it indicates
You consume enough fluids.

5. Consumption of nutritious foods to meet nutritional adequacy for
mother and child in the womb. The food must meet the 5 groups
main food: rice or other carbohydrate sources, meat and
other proteins, vegetables, fruit and milk. Slow food
fatty and fibrous food multiply

6. Consumption of vitamin Folic Acid 400 micrograms per day, before
pregnancy until the first few months of pregnancy. This
useful for preventing neural tube defects and the spine at the
small. Folic acid is also important that food derived from
Folic acid contains as in cereals, brown rice, citrus, vegetables
green beans, broccoli, and others.

7. Consumption is also the blood booster tablets, the tablets containing
substance as much as 30 milligrams of iron a day during pregnancy, or
as recommended by your doctor. Iron is useful for
prevent anemia during pregnancy, which can cause
the risk for hemorrhage during childbirth.
Virtually all women of fertile age, should consume
foods that contain lots of iron.

8. Wash hands frequently, especially after handling meat
when cooking raw or after using the restroom. Because
with hand washing will prevent the spread of germs and viruses that can
caused the disease.

9. Know your own situation. If there are signs or symptoms that are not
usually like pain, vaginal bleeding, amniotic fluid merembesnya,
dizziness, fainting, become short of breath, trembling, rapid pulse becomes,
continued nausea and vomiting, swelling of the joints, do not feel
fetal movement, and other symptoms or signs, consult
with your doctor.

10. Be careful in consuming drugs including
traditional medicines. Including alcohol and caffeine. Caffeine
on tea, coffee, soft drinks and chocolate have also limited.

11. Drugs that are often taken before pregnancy, for example
drugs for hypertension, epilepsy, asthma or diabetes, need
consulted again with your doctor. Would need to be done
changes or adjustments to your pregnancy? Are medicines
It is safe to use in pregnancy?

12. The drugs are sold freely as to overcome the flu and
cough, may be harmful to the fetus in the womb. Therefore
that, first consult with your doctor before drinking it.

13. Do not hesitate or be afraid to ask the doctor. Because this
regarding fetal and maternal health alone. We better
be careful and ask all kekhawatirkan we feel.

14. Participate in a class for pregnant women as pregnancy exercise classes.
In addition to benefit from these classes, women candidates
can also share experiences and gain knowledge with others
other expectant mothers.

15. Keep a good activity because it will be for the mother or the
prospective baby. Sports are generally safe for pregnant women as
walking, exercising, riding a stationary bike. But remember to always
consult with your doctor before you start.

16. Eat small meals but often, around 5 - 6 times
per day. This is much better than eating in large portions 3
day. Eating small portions more often, can
reduce nausea-vomiting in the morning and stomach pain.
Avoid foods that can make the stomach pain, even if you
liked. Replace with a more nutritious foods.

17. Avoid bathing or soaking in hot water when pregnant. Because
High heat can endanger pregnancy.

18. Plan and create a safe home environment for your baby
later. This is to prevent the dangers that are not desirable.

19. Avoid uncooked meat, cooked or less
ripe, wash your hands after touching pets or
gardening. This is to prevent infected with the parasite Toxoplasma
causes toxoplasmosis, which can harm a fetus
in the womb.

20. Because of the size of the growing uterus, along with less
inefficient kidney function due to pregnancy, can cause more mothers
frequent urination. Can also occur out of urine when
sneezing, coughing or laughing. This is because the pressure of the uterus
the bladder, which often occurs in the first months
pregnancy. If urination accompanied by burning sensation, pain and more
frequently, see your doctor.

21. Excessive weight or less during pregnancy may
cause problems for the child who is still in the womb.
Do not do diet during pregnancy to lose weight
excess prior consultation with the doctor.

22. Conduct vaccination for pregnancy. Ask the doctor
about this, when vaccination should be given.

23. Avoid X-ray examinations (X-ray). Explain to the doctor
if you are pregnant when the doctor asks you to do

24. Provide a healthy environment for your baby in the womb. And
when your child has been born, and grew larger, still give him
guidance and affection. Health and safety in the environment,
should be kept in mind.

25. Take enough. At the time of rest should
lying to the side, especially to the left side of the doctor's advice when appropriate.
This position will provide the best circulation to the fetus
and can reduce swelling of the legs.

Face Care Tips for Teen Age

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To look attractive with a smooth skin and healthy, necessary treatment early on. We recommend that since their teens, children already accustomed to treat her well and correctly.

Generally teenagers dealing with the dust and sun. Therefore, in order to always face smooth and healthy should always keep the skin clean.

According to Janny Bodhipala as beauty experts, teens should do some basic maintenance steps, namely:

1. Always wash your face with liquid soap or soap special solid face when i wake up and after the move.

This is done because the character skin as a teenager due to hormonal changes that your body has to do with the skin. Therefore, there is the term oily skin, dry, normal, or a combination. For those whose skin is oily, could use a scrub plus a refreshing tonic. As for those who have dry or normal skin should use a gentle cleansing tonic plus a refreshing face.

2. Because adolescents are generally active in the sun, they also should use protective cream with SPF 5-6. Every 1 SPF equivalent to 15 minutes. So if you want to swim for 2.5 hours, you should use a sun screen with SPF 10.

For young girls, there's nothing wrong if you use a shotgun powder to make it look more attractive. They are not problematic enough skin to 2nd stage of this treatment every day. But if their skin breakouts, there is a good idea to perform additional treatment as follows:

1. Using a mask for acne at least once a week which works to raise the fat and shrink the pores (especially for oily skin).

2. Using the available acne medication on the market freely. And used only on that part of acne problem.


Posted by senoya on Monday, February 15, 2010 , under , | comments (0)


Synonym:(Sonchus arvensis L.)
Family: Asteraccae (Compositac)

Tempuyung grow wild in open place in the sun or a little sheltered, as in the cliffs, the edge of the water channel, or wasteland, sometimes planted as a medicinal plant. Plants originating from Eurasia can be found in the area that much rain at an altitude of 50 to 1650 m above sea level. Terna annual, erect, height 0.6 to 2 m, containing white latex, with a strong upside roots. Stems hollow and ribbed. Single leaf, the lower part of the base to grow together to form roset roots. Lancet-shaped leaves or oval, pointed tip, base of the heart, sharing the irregular pinnate, length from 6 to 48 cm, width from 3 to 12 cm, light green color. Leaves out of flower shape with a smaller base of stem hugging, remote location, take turns. Tubercular flower incorporated in panicles, stemmed, crown shape needles, bright yellow, red gradually become brown. Fruit box, five-ribbed, elongated shape of about 4 mm, flat, hairy, yellowish brown. There is diversity of this plant. A small leaf is called clay, and a large leafy reach 2 m high called rayana. Young stems and leaves a bitter taste although you can eat as lalap. Propagation by seed.

local name:
Jombang, j. lalakina, galibug, clay, rayana (Sunda).; Tempuyung (Java).; Niu she tou (China), laitron des champs (France).; Sow thistle (English).;

Curable Disease:
Urinary tract stones, gall stones, dysentery, hemorrhoids, rheumatism goat,; Inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis), inflammation of the breast (mastitis), abscess; spermatorea, high blood pressure (hypertension), burns,; Hearing less (deaf ), bruise.;

1. Breast Inflammation
Tempuyung plants as much as 15 g of fresh boiled in 3 cups clean water until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, then taken at once. Apply 2 - 3 times a day.

2. Ulcer
Stems and leaves of fresh tempuyung sufficiently washed and finely ground. Water feelings are used to compress a boil.

3. High blood pressure, bladder and gall bladder stone
Tempuyung fresh leaves as much as 5 pieces and then washed briefly. Eat as lalap with eating rice. Do it 3 times day.

4. Bladder stones
a. Tempuyung dried leaves of 250 mg boiled with 250 cc clean water until the remaining 150 cc. After chilling filtered, divided to 3 times a drink. Spend a day. Do it every day until healed.

b. Tempuyung leaves, avocado leaves (Persea americana), leaf mustard land (Nasturtium montanum), all fresh ingredients as much as 5 sheets, and palm sugar 2 fingers washed and boiled in 3 clean water glass until remaining 3/4. After chilling filtered. Water accumulated taken 3 times a day, each 3 / 4 cup.

c. Tempuyung leaves and leaves nasty shard (Strobilanthes crispus) each fresh 5 sheets, 6 pieces of corn, sugar and 3 fingers Enau washed and cut into pieces as needed. Boiled with 3
clean water glass until remaining 3/4-nya. After chilling filtered, then be taken 3 times a day, each 3 / 4 cup.

5. Decreased hearing (deaf)
Fresh herbs tempuyung washed and rinsed with water to cook. Grind until smooth, then squeezed with a clean cloth. The water dripped on deaf ears. Do it 3-4 times a day.

Prolipid capsules are indicated for the treatment of high cholesterol and keeping your body slimness containing these herbs.

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Tempuyung taste bitter and cold. CHEMICAL KANDUNGAN: Tempuyung contain lactocerol, P-lactocerol, mannitol, inositol, silica, potassium, flavonoids, and taraksasterol. EFFECTS pharmacological AND RESEARCH RESULTS: 1. Research the influence of water extract and alcohol extract of leaves of the volume of urine tempuyung rats in vivo and dissolving kidney stones in vitro, produces the following conclusions: a. tempuyung leaves have clearly not a diuretic effect, but has the power to dissolve kidney stones. b. power to dissolve kidney stones by the water extract is better than the alcohol extract (Hardiyatmo Giri, Fac. Pharmacy Gadjah Mada University, 1988). 2. Praintervention ethyl acetate flavonoid fraction capable of inhibiting tempuyung leaf carbon hepatotoxicity tetrakiorida (CCL 4) is given to male mice (Atiek Liestyaningsih, Fac. Pharmacy Gadjah Mada University, 1991).

Healthy Life Style

Posted by senoya on Monday, February 8, 2010 , under , , , | comments (0)

High cholesterol (hiperkolesterolemia) are not visible and often asymptomatic, except by doing Check Up (check the blood) periodically at least 6 months after medical consultation with a doctor. However, cholesterol should be kept in control by having a healthy lifestyle such as: low-fat diet, quit smoking, a balanced weight, and exercise regularly.

If all efforts have been made still does not reach the LDL goal that was proclaimed, the drug can be used as an alternative.

Low-Fat Diet

Controlling cholesterol is not means can not eat well, but reducing or avoiding fatty foods. Inside there are 3 kinds of food that is fat: Saturated (saturated) fats found in foods such as egg yolk, viscera meat, and cow brain. Such foods should be avoided. Monounsaturated (no saturated fat with a single chain) fats found in foods such as shrimp and crabs. These foods can include in consumption with a limited number. Poliunsaturated (polyunsaturated fats) are fats found in foods such as fish from the sea in the (mackerel and tuna) that contain polyunsaturated oils and Omega3.
Such foods should be consumed a lot, because it can help raise HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) and lowering LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). Ideally, our diet contains fat below 30%, 50-60% carbohydrates and protein 20%. Try not to consume foods in cholesterol to more than 300 mg per day. Some examples of tips for doing a good diet plan: Read the labels of food and drinks that you buy to determine the best choice not to drink more than 2 alcoholic drinks a day Limit your meal. Select the products of non-fat Reduce the use of salt in the diet and avoid salty foods. Too much salt can raise your blood pressure Consult with your doctor or nutritionist before starting a diet program.

Stop smoking
Smoking is bad habits one can trigger thickening or narrowing arteries. Cigarettes contain nicotine who spur expenditure substances like Adrenaline, who stimulate increased heart rate and blood pressure Cigarettes also contain carbonaceous monooxide (CO) having capability far stronger than blood cells red (hemoglobin) for binding oxygen. CO lowered capacity red blood cells bring oxygen to tissue including heart. This note especially for sufferers coronary heart disease, because there is plaque in arteries so that bloodstream is already highly reduced. Smokers, 2-3 times more probably get stroke compared those not smoking and generally experiencing clogged arteries at foot frequently cause spasm at time sports. Stop smoking and use Cholesterol Diary to help control your cholesterol.

Weight Loss

overweight/obesity encourages emergence other factors risk like Diabetes, Hipertensi, which at subsequent level increase coronary heart disease risk. Weight is ideal if certain weight for heights is statistically considered best for guarantee health. Body Mass Index (BMl) is a simple way to monitor nutrition status of adults, particularly associated with underweight and overweight. Usage BMl is only for adults aged> 18 years and it cannot be applied for infants, child, adolescents, pregnant, and sportsmen. It is defined as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in metres (kg/m2). For example, an adult who weighs 70kg and whose height is 1.75m will have a BMI of 22.9.

Table 1: The International Classification of adult underweight, overweight and obesity according to BMI

    Classification BMI(kg/m�)

    Principal cut-off points Additional cut-off points
    Underweight <18.50 <18.50
    Severe thinness <16.00 <16.00
    Moderate thinness 16.00 - 16.99 16.00 - 16.99
    Mild thinness 17.00 - 18.49 17.00 - 18.49
    Normal range 18.50 - 24.99 18.50 - 22.99
    23.00 - 24.99
    Overweight ≥25.00 ≥25.00
    Pre-obese 25.00 - 29.99 25.00 - 27.49
    27.50 - 29.99
    Obese ≥30.00 ≥30.00
    Obese class I 30.00 - 34-99 30.00 - 32.49
    32.50 - 34.99
    Obese class II 35.00 - 39.99 35.00 - 37.49
    37.50 - 39.99
    Obese class III ≥40.00 ≥40.00
    Source: Adapted from WHO, 1995, WHO, 2000 and WHO 2004.

Good exercise for body health. But what sports can effectively help lower cholesterol? Effective exercise involving large muscles of the body such as thighs, upper arms and hips do gymnastics, aerobics, walking, swimming, jogging, cycling, or the like at least three times a week, each 1 hour. The first 5-10 minutes are used for heating, 30 minutes for exercise and last for 10 minutes of cooling.

For those who have been hit middle age and above, should consult her doctor first to see if there are illnesses such as hypertension, CHD or diabetes, so the shape / type of exercise can be adjusted. Use the programs effective sports and in accordance with you to help lower cholesterol levels in cholesterol Diary

Beware of Placenta Praevia

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Do not regard lightly placenta praevia. According to doctors, pregnant women with the condition where the placenta blocking the birth canal, including high-risk pregnancies. Can not denied that pregnancy in every person is different. There are expectant mothers who have many complaints, some that felt he had no problems whatsoever. But sometimes, though not showing any symptoms does not mean free from the problem, because nearly 80% of pregnant women who suffer from placenta praevia actually thought pregnancy safe.

Early Detection
There are three types of placenta praevia, the classification is based on the grade. There was a placenta covering the whole birth canal, called placenta praevia totalis. If the placenta is only covering part of the birth canal is called placenta praevia partialis. If the placenta is only slightly touched the mouth of the uterus is called placenta marginalis. Every pregnancy with placenta praevia certainly has to give birth through a process of operation. In some cases there is a condition where the placenta is located at the bottom and not to touch the cervix. This condition is called placenta lies low and there is still chance to natural childbirth.

According to Dr. Ivan R Here, an obstetric and gynecologist from the Mother's Hospital, Central Jakarta, until now the medical world was not yet able to determine the cause of the displacement of the placenta that can block the birth canal, likewise with how to restore the location to the normal position. The traditional ways like a bow or even mopping the floor, no effect on the condition of placenta praevia. "There is no other way to deal with placenta praevia unless early detect," said Dr. Ivan. "It was at the time of implantation (time in which the placenta attached to the fetus) in pregnant women, approximately 2% where the placenta is under. But it still could change again," said Dr. Ivan. "Therefore there is an important time for women to perform ultrasound, at the age of 18-20 weeks of pregnancy. We did an ultrasound as well also check where the location of the placenta, so if from the beginning we can alert if the location of the placenta was at the bottom," added dr. Ivan.

Caesar, The only Way

At 32-36 weeks gestation, ultrasound should be done again. This is the final time, where the location of the placenta can not be moved again. If the condition is so, then a caesarean is the only option.

Cesarean section on pregnancy with placenta praevia conditions are relatively safe, but there are some situations in which the mother makes a risky operation, namely: the age factor, a second pregnancy with placenta praevia and have had many children.

For the expectant mothers who are pregnant, what is important is knowing when to go to the doctor. Especially if there is bleeding that is not accompanied by pain. Placenta praevia should look out for, though you may not feel it and still be active as usual.

Be aware of early symptoms of Breast Cancer ...

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Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the breast tissue.
Cancer can begin to grow in the milk glands, milk ducts, fatty tissue and connective tissue in the breast.

The cause is unknown, but there are some risk factors that cause a woman to be more likely to have breast cancer.

Risk Factors
Several factors influencing risk are:
1. Age.
Approximately 60% of breast cancer occurs in over 60 years of age. Greatest risk found in women aged over 75 years.
2. Never had breast cancer.
After the affected breast removed, then the risk of breast cancer in healthy increased by 0,5-1% / year.
3. Family history of breast cancer.
Women whose mothers, sisters or children suffering from cancer, have risk 3 times more likely to have breast cancer.
4. Genetic and hormonal factors.
5. Had non-cancerous breast disease
6. Menarche (first menstruation) before age 12 years, menopause after age 55 years, first pregnancy after age 30 years or had never been pregnant.
7. contraceptive pills or estrogen replacement therapy.
8. Obesity after menopause.
9. Use of alcohol.
10 The use of alcohol more than 1-2 cups / day can increase the risk of breast cancer.
11. Chemicals.
Several studies have mentioned the chemical exposure that resemble estrogen (contained in pesticides and other industrial products) may increase the risk of breast cancer.
12. DES (diethylstilbestrol).
Women who take DES to prevent miscarriage have a higher risk of breast cancer.
13 radiation.

Symptoms and Signs
The initial symptoms in the form of a lump that is usually perceived differently from the surrounding breast tissue, painless and usually have an irregular edge.

In the early stages, when driven by a finger, a lump can be moved easily under the skin.
At an advanced stage, the lump is usually attached to the chest wall or the surrounding skin. In advanced-stage cancer, can form a swollen lump or breast skin ulcers.
Sometimes, the skin over the lump shrank and looked like an orange peel.

Other symptoms that may be found is a lump or mass in the armpit, change the size or shape of the breast, an abnormal discharge from the nipple
(usually bloody or yellow to green, may also be pus), a change in color or texture of the skin on the breast, nipple and areola (dark brown area around the nipple),
breast looks red, the skin around the nipple scaly, nipples are retracted or feel itchy, painful swelling of the breasts or one breast.
At an advanced stage may arise bone pain, weight loss, swelling of arms or ulcerated skin.

Many risk factors can not be controlled. Some experts diet and cancer experts believe that the changes in diet and lifestyle in general can reduce the incidence of cancer.

It is important to make early diagnosis of breast cancer since it is easier to treat if still in early stages.

Self breast examination, clinical breast examination and mammography as a screening procedure can be used to detect cancer at an early stage.

Treatment usually begins after the comprehensive assessment of the condition of the patient, i.e. about 1 week or more after the biopsy.
The treatment consists of surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and hormone inhibitors.

Radiation therapy used to kill cancer cells in the tumor removal and the surrounding area, including the lymph nodes.

Chemotherapy (a combination of drugs to kill cells that multiply quickly or pressing breeding) and drug-hormone inhibitors (drugs that affect the hormones that support the growth of cancer cells) are used to suppress the growth of cancer cells throughout the body.