Synonym:(Sonchus arvensis L.)
Family: Asteraccae (Compositac)
Tempuyung grow wild in open place in the sun or a little sheltered, as in the cliffs, the edge of the water channel, or wasteland, sometimes planted as a medicinal plant. Plants originating from Eurasia can be found in the area that much rain at an altitude of 50 to 1650 m above sea level. Terna annual, erect, height 0.6 to 2 m, containing white latex, with a strong upside roots. Stems hollow and ribbed. Single leaf, the lower part of the base to grow together to form roset roots. Lancet-shaped leaves or oval, pointed tip, base of the heart, sharing the irregular pinnate, length from 6 to 48 cm, width from 3 to 12 cm, light green color. Leaves out of flower shape with a smaller base of stem hugging, remote location, take turns. Tubercular flower incorporated in panicles, stemmed, crown shape needles, bright yellow, red gradually become brown. Fruit box, five-ribbed, elongated shape of about 4 mm, flat, hairy, yellowish brown. There is diversity of this plant. A small leaf is called clay, and a large leafy reach 2 m high called rayana. Young stems and leaves a bitter taste although you can eat as lalap. Propagation by seed.
local name:
Jombang, j. lalakina, galibug, clay, rayana (Sunda).; Tempuyung (Java).; Niu she tou (China), laitron des champs (France).; Sow thistle (English).;
Curable Disease:
Urinary tract stones, gall stones, dysentery, hemorrhoids, rheumatism goat,; Inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis), inflammation of the breast (mastitis), abscess; spermatorea, high blood pressure (hypertension), burns,; Hearing less (deaf ), bruise.;
1. Breast Inflammation
Tempuyung plants as much as 15 g of fresh boiled in 3 cups clean water until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, then taken at once. Apply 2 - 3 times a day.
2. Ulcer
Stems and leaves of fresh tempuyung sufficiently washed and finely ground. Water feelings are used to compress a boil.
3. High blood pressure, bladder and gall bladder stone
Tempuyung fresh leaves as much as 5 pieces and then washed briefly. Eat as lalap with eating rice. Do it 3 times day.
4. Bladder stones
a. Tempuyung dried leaves of 250 mg boiled with 250 cc clean water until the remaining 150 cc. After chilling filtered, divided to 3 times a drink. Spend a day. Do it every day until healed.
b. Tempuyung leaves, avocado leaves (Persea americana), leaf mustard land (Nasturtium montanum), all fresh ingredients as much as 5 sheets, and palm sugar 2 fingers washed and boiled in 3 clean water glass until remaining 3/4. After chilling filtered. Water accumulated taken 3 times a day, each 3 / 4 cup.
c. Tempuyung leaves and leaves nasty shard (Strobilanthes crispus) each fresh 5 sheets, 6 pieces of corn, sugar and 3 fingers Enau washed and cut into pieces as needed. Boiled with 3
clean water glass until remaining 3/4-nya. After chilling filtered, then be taken 3 times a day, each 3 / 4 cup.
5. Decreased hearing (deaf)
Fresh herbs tempuyung washed and rinsed with water to cook. Grind until smooth, then squeezed with a clean cloth. The water dripped on deaf ears. Do it 3-4 times a day.
Prolipid capsules are indicated for the treatment of high cholesterol and keeping your body slimness containing these herbs.
CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Tempuyung taste bitter and cold. CHEMICAL KANDUNGAN: Tempuyung contain lactocerol, P-lactocerol, mannitol, inositol, silica, potassium, flavonoids, and taraksasterol. EFFECTS pharmacological AND RESEARCH RESULTS: 1. Research the influence of water extract and alcohol extract of leaves of the volume of urine tempuyung rats in vivo and dissolving kidney stones in vitro, produces the following conclusions: a. tempuyung leaves have clearly not a diuretic effect, but has the power to dissolve kidney stones. b. power to dissolve kidney stones by the water extract is better than the alcohol extract (Hardiyatmo Giri, Fac. Pharmacy Gadjah Mada University, 1988). 2. Praintervention ethyl acetate flavonoid fraction capable of inhibiting tempuyung leaf carbon hepatotoxicity tetrakiorida (CCL 4) is given to male mice (Atiek Liestyaningsih, Fac. Pharmacy Gadjah Mada University, 1991).
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