Playing Stimulate Children Intelligence

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 , Posted by senoya at 9:18 AM

Age 0 to 6 years is a critical time for children to optimize the emotional and intellectual development. In this age range, little to develop about 75% of our brains.

Bernard Devlin researchers from the University of Pittsburgh, United States, argued that the role of genetic optimization of the brain is 48%. The rest is influenced by environmental factors.

Play, recognized experts, as one of the stimulation from the environment that can help maximize a child's brain development. Through play, Little can optimize all abilities. Of course, parents have an important role in choosing appropriate play activities, according to child development stages.

"Children who are physically active has a concentration level which is better and it strongly supports academic achievement in school," said Jack Kern, professor of kinesiology at the University of Arkansas, United States.

Various studies have shown, plays an effective stimulation to support optimal child growth. Two psychologists, Jerome Bruner and Brian Sutton-Smith, who examined the development of human cognitive said, playing to produce relaxed atmosphere, so children easily learn various ways to overcome problems encountered when playing. According to both, at the time of play children often engage in problem-solving process.

Meanwhile D.G. Singer & J. Singer, a senior researcher and professor in the field of developmental psychology from the United States, in their book The House of Make Believe, said that many preschool children spend time playing sosiodrama, generally more pronounced in the competence and intellectual development. These children also scored higher on tests that measure the imagination and creativity.

Various other studies also support that the play makes children learn the strength and limits of her abilities. Little more able to cope with a reality through pretend play. Ability of abstraction also becoming honed child because he knew many concepts, such as large-small, top-down, and full-empty.

Play also makes a child able to identify and classify (start watching, massage, distinguish, make predictions, compare, to draw conclusions), and determine cause-effect relationship. The child's intellectual abilities gained through these fun activities, can be a very useful provision to overcome various problems in later life.

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