Tips To Prevent Belly Fat

Sunday, February 7, 2010 , Posted by senoya at 9:00 PM

our belly fat? It can be very disturbing appearance. Besides a bit difficult for us to move freely so we look look less attractive. Indeed, we can arrange a fashion strategy that can cover that fat belly. But it's better than we find ways to avoid this problem. Well here's how we can avoid that:

Set Patterns and How to Eat

When you eat, do you very quickly chew it? If yes, it should be changed ...

Chewing or swallowing food too fast can result in the air suspended in the stomach resulting in bulging.

Also make it a habit to chew foods also about 32 times before you swallow. So that food can be easily digested. And one more thing is try to avoid a heavy meal late at night and do not get used to sleep after eating.

Also avoid eating large meals because it can make enlarged stomach and slow digestion in the intestine. Therefore better to eat small meals but often.

Avoid Junk Food

If you seriously crave a flat stomach try eating less salty foods, and contain much salt as potato chips, etc.. Sure could make a decrease in appetite if you eat does not use salt. but if you really want to slim, it takes sacrifice.

Forget fast food once a very tempting taste for salt content in it are very high. Avoid cold foods are also fast food ketchup and mustard canned.

Exercising regularly

Do badminton or basketball, gym, running light on a regular basis. With so can help move the fluid in the abdomen. Water will come out through sweat or pushed into the bladder and expelled as urine. Some say that sit ups can shrink stomach. Actually it's not always true. Because the function of sit up is to tightening the stomach muscles rather than to shrink the stomach.

Expand Mineral Drinking Water

Drinking mineral water can dilute the concentration of sodium (salt) and toxins in the body thereby increasing the amount of water coming out of the system. Oh yes also avoid Sparkling mineral water, it is carbonated water which is naturally derived from the fountain. It contains soda so it’ll give a unique sensation when been drunk. But be careful because the content of it can cause enlarged abdomen

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